
Sunday, September 30, 2012

The First Weeks after Birth...Lessons in Faithfulness Part 2

My last post dealt with the faithfulness of God as I completed my pregnancy, and boy has He shown himself faithful in every way. Just like I'd prayed, I was having contractions when I went to be induced on 9-24-12, and the beginning of my hospital experience was much the same as with my first son. The pitocin started at 5:30am and by 11:11am, the screams of my new baby boy could be heard. What I didn't expect was how easy the contractions would be to handle...I dunno what happened with my first delivery, but this was almost nothing like that one, and I was shocked when I was told it was time to push. It all happened in the most perfect of timing and the easiest way for my family's current situation.

God's faithfulness doesn't mean easy peasy though...I reinjured the tears from my first birth only worse, and my healing has been a lot more difficult. While my first son nursed fairly easily, it took a while to really get a groove...which led to four bilirubin checks. And this time, I had to have help from my parents since my husband only had a week off with me. And I had to go against a doctor. I'm a strictly breastfeeding gal, so when the doctor (upon seeing the bili levels not change in two days) said to supplement with formula, she got an emphatic NO. The last bili check showed tremendous reduction in levels, and I was given the all clear...the doctor actually told me "keep doing what you're doing." This is the second child that within a week of birth I was asked to supplement formula with, refused, and it all worked out just like I knew it would...but that's for another post. Still wasn't an easy time.

I wondered to myself how is God's faithfulness shown in this situation? Each time I went to get the lab work done on my son, more bills piled up. If he was going to be fine, what was the point? And then I saw it...the first few days were super difficult for me...healing and nursing wise. God allowed me rest as Landon didn't nurse but once in the night and allowed my hurting breasts to heal as he nursed infrequently while I learned how to get a good latch with him. Each of these things would have contributed to the levels not falling as they should, but I'm pretty sure that it is what got me through the hardest part of recovery. The bills are just a small side effect of His faithfulness...comfort and healing over choice anyday.

The weeks following Landon's birth have been amazing. My family finally feels complete, and the transition wasn't near as difficult as we expected. Our 18 month old has done wonderful in every way. My husband and I seem even closer. AND we have another blessing to enjoy life with. Landon is about the easiest baby ever! Oh...and have I mentioned that I seem to be healing BETTER than I did with my first son, so maybe I won't ache upon moving for the rest of my life BECAUSE I got torn in the same place? I'd always hoped I could heal better from the second so as to fix the mess I was after my first.

I don't know why I'm so blessed, but I sure am thankful for it. But most of all, I'm happy that God has been teaching me about his puts a new perspective on each new challenge and has really made my life less stressful. If we can keep our focus on the One who is really in control, His peace will surround us. I'm still waiting on the Lord in one more area of life, and I can't wait to share how He was faithful in that situation as well...because I know He will be.

Are you waiting on something? He's faithful. His way is perfect. If He holds your future, you can be certain of one thing...He has it ALL under control, so rest in Him. He always comes through!

Wishing you well,

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Lessons in Faithfulness

This pregnancy is almost over, and this mommie is ready.

I have definitely seen God's faithfulness in through this pregnancy. Having a toddler and being extremely pregnant could have proven way too much, but my GREAT God was faithful to give just the energy I needed each day. I noticed a couple months ago that I would feel horrible every time my husband had his two days off, and what proceeded would be feelings of guilt (over not being all there for him when he was off) and feelings of anxiety (at how I was ever going to handle him going back to work).

Those feelings didn't last long though, once I learned my lessons in faithfulness. You see, my husband was always faithful to help me with whatever I, or our son, needed. Not only was he helpful...he always made me feel like he didn't want me to worry about anything when he was home. And God...He was faithful to allow me to have my hardest days when I had the help. Every time my husband went back to work, I felt better and had just enough energy to make it to each nap and bedtime, when I could rest.

Now that I'm at the end of the pregnancy, I'm seeing help from all around. As I was typing this, my dad came and played with Austin for a couple hours which allowed me to go through all the baby clothes we own and sort them. They are almost all put away, and I have dinner with my parents to look forward to tonight. This may seem like a normal thing, but for me...this is God's faithfulness in action all over again. I was raised pretty independent and I haven't really had much need for help from others so I rarely have it offered. But here when I really need it, it's coming, and God is giving me the ability to accept (and sometimes even ask for) the help.

This was one of the days I would have dreaded before, especially since my husband is working the shift where he is gone the entire time Austin is awake, but I've learned a few lessons in faithfulness, and I know that I am fully taken care of.

Now, I still wait...wait for the moment when the contractions actually bring my new son into my reality. I am thankful that my faithful God knows the exact moment Landon will join our family, and I can wait in peace knowing that He knows our circumstances and has the perfect plan for them all.

Praying that you see God's faithfulness today...knowing that He knows the end gives a peace I wish upon everyone!

Friday, September 14, 2012

The Future in Hindsight

The countdown has begun. In seven days, I'm due to have blessing #2 arrive. If you had told me that at 27 I would be a wife and mother to an 18 month old and newborn, I would've laughed. But, here I am. A lot of what I thought about my future life is quite different in reality.

I thought I would teach high school math until I couldn't do it anymore. I quit after a 4 year career to stay home and raise my sons.
I thought my ministry would be in the public school system. Now I plan to homeschool when the boys are school age.
I thought I might get married one day way after I was out on my own. I got married the week after I finished my master's degree and two days before I started my teaching career, going from home with the parents to home with my husband.
I thought I might have one kid tops, and I wanted a girl. God gave me a heart for raising boys, and now I'm about to have two of them.
I thought that if I had a kid, I'd be formula feeding and disposable diapering. I nurse exclusively (my firstborn never did see a bottle) and I use cloth diapers (granted those have come a long way from what I thought they were in the past), and I do both of those for reasons that have nothing to do with saving money...though it's a bonus!)
I thought I had to control everything to make sure things went as smoothly as possible. I've learned that relinquishing control sometimes has the very effect I saught when controlling gave the opposite.

I can say with absolute certainty that I'm more thankful for the reality of my life than for what I thought it would be like when my dreams were ahead of me. I'm not at all the woman I thought I would be. All I know is that I serve a God who has transformed my heart and mind. I'm the happiest I've ever been, and I'm not even sure what is going to happen tomorrow. The days I spend as a stay at home mommie all run together, and I like that just fine. My life seems to be opening up to me for the first time, making each new thing more and more exciting.

And now, I don't worry so much about the future. For a goal-oriented, success driven personality like mine, that's quite a shock. But the present is a much better focus. I can strive to serve God be a good wife be a good mom be a good friend today...and to keep a good home today. I'm not even assured of tomorrow. And I know now that the future, in hindsight, doesn't always look like we planned.

Praying that you have a wonderful day, today!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Trying a First Link-Up...Thank Yous From a Young Wife and Mother

One of my favorite things to do is follow blogs of Christian women trying to live out the word in their everyday lives. I lean toward married women with children who also homeschool. The blogs of these kinds of women help me feel a little more normal. I'm not sure I have ever completely fit in anywhere, aside from at home with my husband and son, and what I find in blogs like Women Living Well is the passion that I feel in my heart, with a little added wisdom as I'm in the beginning phases of my journey as a wife and mother.

I want to be able to encourage women in the early stages like myself, but I also feel burdened to let those wise women that have gone before me know that sometimes it's their words that give me hope that I'm not completely alone in my quest.

So that's what I want to do today in my debut as a blogger. I want to say thank you. Thank you to Women Living Well, Passionate Homemaking, Time-Warp Wife, Joyful Mothering, Holy Spirit Led Homeschooling, When You Rise, and The Better Mom (some of the blogs that I follow currently). Thank you for sharing your wisdom as well as your struggles. Thank you for the tips you have that line up with scripture. Thank you for upholding Titus 2:4, where you train younger women to love their husbands and children.

We are listening, or atleast I am. You may not see us, but you are blessing homes like where seeing others putting the word into practice gives a little bit of hope in this crazy world.


Friday, September 7, 2012

Hello World...

I'm excited to begin this journey of blogging. I have been inspired by many women bloggers here lately, and I want to join in the conversation. I'm in the beginning process of setting everything up the way I want it, but if you are visiting my blog, I want you to know about what will follow.

I've been a wife for a little over 4 years now, have a 17 1/2 month old son, and am due to have my second son in a couple of weeks. I'm interested in many things, but the majority of what I think about revolves around how my Christian faith can be put into action as a wife, mother, and future homeschooler. As I have become a stay at home mommie, I have expanded my personal interests to include what I call "cricuting" (scrapbooking/cardmaking etc with a cricut machine) and sewing (of which I am a complete novice but just got my first machine). I also love the game of tennis, love to cook, love to write, and love taking pictures.

Within this blog, I'll share my thoughts on married life, raising boys, faith in action, homeschooling and my journey through my various hobbies. I hope that it can help me keep my thoughts in order as well as be a blessing to you.
