
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Trying a First Link-Up...Thank Yous From a Young Wife and Mother

One of my favorite things to do is follow blogs of Christian women trying to live out the word in their everyday lives. I lean toward married women with children who also homeschool. The blogs of these kinds of women help me feel a little more normal. I'm not sure I have ever completely fit in anywhere, aside from at home with my husband and son, and what I find in blogs like Women Living Well is the passion that I feel in my heart, with a little added wisdom as I'm in the beginning phases of my journey as a wife and mother.

I want to be able to encourage women in the early stages like myself, but I also feel burdened to let those wise women that have gone before me know that sometimes it's their words that give me hope that I'm not completely alone in my quest.

So that's what I want to do today in my debut as a blogger. I want to say thank you. Thank you to Women Living Well, Passionate Homemaking, Time-Warp Wife, Joyful Mothering, Holy Spirit Led Homeschooling, When You Rise, and The Better Mom (some of the blogs that I follow currently). Thank you for sharing your wisdom as well as your struggles. Thank you for the tips you have that line up with scripture. Thank you for upholding Titus 2:4, where you train younger women to love their husbands and children.

We are listening, or atleast I am. You may not see us, but you are blessing homes like where seeing others putting the word into practice gives a little bit of hope in this crazy world.



  1. I am not the author of one of those blogs, but I think that it is lovely that you are taking the time to thank them and show appreciation to them. I know bloggers have helped me so much too in so many ways. Nice to stop by your new place.

    1. Thanks for the reply. :) I checked out your blog as well, and you have such a beautiful family. Good luck as you venture through Unglued and with your new sponsored child! I pray you are blessed by both!

  2. Hi! I found you through Women Living Well! I look forward to connecting with you!


    1. Thank you for commenting! :) I checked out your blog, and I found the post on the preciousness of the flip flops to the woman in Honduras. That is the only place out of the country I've traveled to on missions, and it brought back fond memories. In our world where we have so much, we often lack the joy of contentment that these poorest of poor have.
